It indeed has been a very long time since writing in my lovely blog of mine. Sorry to anyone that reads it. I have been having troubles with logging on, with my password and such. I'm probably boring you so I will start with topic one.
Pokemon, a slight (by slight I actually mean huge) obsession that I have developed. I watch the shows on (URL could very) and I play the game on my DSI. Pokemon is a great invention. You have these cute creatures that battle and become amazingly powerful, but not just battling and earning badges from gym leaders, it is also caring and befriending the pokemon you have caught or traded. The shows have lesson that could be valuable for kids. Ash and his friends look out for their Pokemon and each other and strive to meet their goals. There are also many defaults in the shows like jealousy, and hurting others Pokemon with your own. Sometimes you can't "be the best there ever was." but, you can learn from you mistakes and become a better person, and a better Pokemon master.
Topic two.
I'm sure you have heard of the famous Twilight Saga before. Well, if you like Twilight I suggest you either read this knowing that it may certainly make you mad, or skip this paragraph and move on to topic three. If you are like me and you think that Twilight is absurd, boring, and/or very poorly written please keep reading. Twilight is about Bella falling in love with a vampire. Is there anything in that that teaches kids to be a better person, or a lesson of any sort? No, of coarse not, Twilight is for love crazed teenagers. If you go on youtube and look up reasons to hate Twilight, they are mostly very educated answers. If a boyfriends says they would literally "die" with out you, that is scary and not good , not romantic and sweet. If a boyfriends watches you though you window, that is being a stocker, not cute because he likes to watch you sleep. Yes, I have read the books and yes I like it at first. Then, I realised that it is actually quite ridiculous. All of this is strictly my opinion and I am free to share it.
Topic three.
Who would win in a fight Ninjas or Pirates?
Topic four.
I will be a sophomore....that is a scary thought. It seemed like yesterday that I was a little kid playing "ponies" on the elementary school playground. I hate how time goes by so fast. In two years I will be planing to go to college! That is very scary! I can't seem my self in 10th grade. I think it might be better to go to 9th grade again.
Topic Five.
I think I feel like watching Bill Nye the Science Guy today. He makes learning fun! :) I remember when we would watch Bill in school and all the kids would love it. It is most certainly more fun than any other learning show.
Topic Six
I've had fun, writing my thoughts and feelings for the day, but I must move on. I will write more often! ttfn.
Sorry to be an english Nazi, but it's Stalker, not stocker.