Okay to start off, think of an average teenager. Does this average teenager want to go to school. Heck no. This used to be me I swear! Now I'm sitting, doing nothing, wanting to be at school? Wait, hold on! I ask myself. When did this come about? Why this sudden change of heart? I have no idea, really. One day I would hate school, homework, drama, etc, etc. Now....now...this. Yes, It is Sunday and I've been home alone all day. I have nothing better to do than go on facebook approximately 30 times, do small chunks of homework, and watch Singing in the Rain all day. Okay, I did go to church and CFCF (Traditional Christmas program at said church), but other than that in the 14 hours to my self I wanted to be at school.
School is work. Lots of thinking, and figuring out things, but what I believe the reason to my issue is people. I love people right now. I have a lot of friends and they just make me laugh all the time. Oh right, when I said I love people, there are, of course, a few exceptions. If you go to my school then you probably know of the people I'm thinking of. Yes, those people drive me insane, but does that make me not want to go to school? No, I still want to go to school.
I wake up, get ready and go to school just before the first bell rings. Then I wait for friends. They make me laugh. We go up to first hour. They make me laugh. I read some, then they make me laugh. I go to second hour and they (this time it is a different group of people, except Alycia, now called Agent Shaw, she is in almost all of my classes.) make me laugh. Third hour, P.E. we do almost nothing and I end up laughing. Fourth hour, fifth, sixth, and seventh hour (when Agent Shaw and I make fun of our Algebra teacher) usually go the same way. Laughing and other variations of the word such as laugh, or laughed is the key word(s) here.
Laughing is basically the whole of my existence. I am commonly know for making people laugh. I suppose a "class clown" type, but not really that either. I don't really know what you would call me. Anyway, laughing is a great...what's the word...activity possibly. Laughing is a great activity. It is happy, contagious, and it helps give you abs. If you have ever done a bunch of crunches or been at my lunch table you know the pain in your stomach of which I speak.
I think that is all that I have on the subject.
"Goodnight, sleep well. I'll most likely kill you in the morning." ~The Dread Pirate Roberts.